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About us


❤ Dear Customer:

Hi — I’m Derick,the founder of So glad you can read this leter! Here, please allow me to tell you something about us
hard time to make friends due to the language barriers, cultural diferences and pressure of collage.
HeIt is a little story about a student who studied abroad a few years ago. But he had a reallydepression unconsciously.
However, the sexual needis an imporant ant ofou nature. But he can only soe his phisiological needs by browsing pom websites.But oo much masturbaton hammto his body and mind.
including prostatitis and mental weakness… Maybe he just need someone to be with.Fotnately, he found a reasic sex dol onine by chance.She has the proporions, same skin texture, and touches as real humans. You cant even recognize that was a do Then, he tok hel
home without hesitation. He enjoved being with her and always sharing new things with her and his life has gradually changed..

The Origin of Asexappeal

Iwasthe quyin the stony above. So, as a real sex dol owner, know exacly most ofyour neds and what you wory about Owming a sex dolneeds no reason or explanaion as long as youlove it in the past few years anerl graduaied, retumed tomy home counly, which has the largest and most complete dol supply chain in the wond. Forunately, meet ike.minded paterswho have similar experiences, both are dollovers and have lived overseas. Then, we founded

So, Who We Are?

Asexappeal is a professionalifelke sex dolretailer authoized by industgy welknow sex dolbrands and provide you with high-qualy sexdol. ove do,real do. and profesionalsex dolcustomized EM services Here. you can not on shop for the most premium and imnovae sex dols withthe most reaonable pice butalso athe related producis abouthe dol such as doaocesoies sexv igerie, cosolav costumes wias storage case et, RealolsHub oaranee iers cusiomers the hestnice discreet nacking and free shining wortwide Pice maich isavalable foryou at an time. 0ur profesional customer senice team wl sene you paientyno maer pre-sale or aner-sale. 1009% saisfaction from youis our inal goa!
always satisfy all your fantasy!

Solve the Pain of the Sex Doll Industry

As the founder of our compamy, am pleased to adress a majo isue in the sex dolindustnythat we are commed to soing. fyou are searching onine fora sex do there are mumerouswebstes selingrelated products. Howeve,you may nolice thateven the same dol can have widely vanying phices on diferent websites, and some pnices may be signicanty lower than ohersBut as the saying goes, there is no free lunch.The trap lies within, and many sex dol enhusiasts have falen vicim tothese traps. Aner they place an order and make a paymen, they oitenencounter several scenanios.The selermay notdelverthe product at al,orthey mayreceive an emply package or a bick. They may also receNe a dity or even a used and recycled productthatloks nothing like the picture. Whenthey tyto communicate withthe seler, hey fnd that the selerdoes not respond to them,and they cannotfind any channel to sek jusice. They canonly silently endure everything.. t must be acknowedged that this is a major pain point in the industny and something we despise and do not want to see.
However, please restassured that such a stuation wilnever happen on! ver the past hree years,we have integiraied the best and most reiable manufacturers in the sex dolindusiny and have esiabished deep cooperaion with welknown high-gquaty sex doland adut toy brands and producersinthe industly,such as WM Do,lrontech Do,ZELEX DO, andStarpery Doll, etc. RealDollsHub is the
authoized anent ofthese welknown bands, Ourcusiomers puchase sex dos directl from certined factonesthrouoh our platom at the mostreasonable andtransparent prices. There are nofake, no hidden fees, and no black-box operations!
RDH’s team share the same phiosophy,which is to adress the painin the sex dolindustny. That is why ReaDlalsHub is commited to eiminating the sale of inferior products or anyunecesany adional costs for our ustomers.We are chosen by many real dolovers althe time,you are welcome to check out he sex dol factory photos ofour real ornders in the past Asexappeal guarantees whatyou see is what you get,enabing you to obtain a product that saisfies you and ensures that everypenny ofyour investment is woth itl

The Idea of us

Years of overseas stugy expenence have taught us to respec dierentcoulures and ways oflie. As a dollover, undersitand the preferences and real needs ofthis smalgiroup. have alsowitnesed many interesing andtouching stories.In adion to meting people’s mostbasic sexual needs,dols are more of a companionship.Some dolovers ke to dress uptheir dols,takepictures and share on soclalmedia. They get praised and recognized by many people. Some people even ike to ake the dols for outings,and even dive more than 1.0 kilomeiers oparicipate in a party of another smallgroup of dollovers. it’s so glad to see their life has become more meaningful and no longer lonely.Is a proces from resisiance to acepiance, and ina to love. Butwe hoe that sex dos can be accebied by more people. and helo them wakthrouoh he low points of we inteniewesome dollovers and invite them to share theirthouohts on our site. tis our lono-iemm blan and pursuito bud a great commuy and soae fordollovers to share and communicate wih eacfothe, and make more people a new understanding of realove dols. hope you can choose us wheher you are new to real dos or a reqular plaver with ich exoenence. etus wakinto thanew world of real dolls, l promise we won’t let you down!Moreover, we have established the social medla oitcial accounts on YouTube, Twiter, ins;tagram,and Red. you are welcome to subscribe and check out the real product demonstrations

share your story with us, and receive the latest news!


What We Care About?

Quality have reached in-depih coperation wth welknow sex dol brands and manuiacturers ofthe industny. We visital ofour parners every month butiregular to ensure that theraw materials and producian environment metoursitandards. 0ur qually inspecorwilcheckeveny deta of the dolcarely and take pichres or ideos foryou to confmm before the dolis shipped

Product Style

Years of overseas stugy expenence have taught us to respec dierentcoulures and ways oflie. As a dollover, undersitand the preferences and real needs ofthis smalgiroup. have alsowitnesed many interesing andtouching stories.In adion to meting people’s mostbasic sexual needs,dols are more of a companionship.Some dolovers ke to dress uptheir dols,takepictures and share on soclalmedia. They get praised and recognized by many people. Some people even ike to ake the dols for outings,and even dive more than 1.0 kilomeiers oparicipate in a party of another smallgroup of dollovers. it’s so glad to see their life has become more meaningful and no longer lonely.Is a proces from resisiance to acepiance, and ina to love. Butwe hoe that sex dos can be accebied by more people. and helo them wakthrouoh he low points of we inteniewesome dollovers and invite them to share theirthouohts on our site. tis our lono-iemm blan and pursuito bud a great commuy and soae fordollovers to share and communicate wih eacfothe, and make more people a new understanding of realove dols. hope you can choose us wheher you are new to real dos or a reqular plaver with ich exoenence. etus wakinto thanew world of real dolls, l promise we won’t let you down!Moreover, we have established the social medla oitcial accounts on YouTube, Twiter, ins;tagram,and Red. you are welcome to subscribe and check out the real product demonstrations

share your story with us, and receive the latest news!


We are the leader of the industry,with a variety of figures and distinctive faces on our website. Such as skinny sex dolls withOMTeMT号oroduct modelo)ICInOOflat chests,curyy sex dolls with larae boobs and assesnOfCKOeeven choose every detail option like body type and eye color according to your preferenceIn addition, if vou have any special customization needsyou provide please let us know

Shipping & Return​

Asexappeal ofers free wondwide shiping!Befare yourdolis shipped. our quatyinspector wml carefuly check eveny detaland ake pictures to conrm withyou. Your dolwi be packed welin an unmarked cardboard box and deieed bv FedEx.UPs, or DH Whenthe dolis disoaiched. we wilprovide you with a trackino number sovou can checkthe shiopino statls onlne Allyou have to do is sit back and wait for your darling to come home!

Inthe wnlikelv eventhat your dolis damaped duino transit and you vish to relmit. we have aretum and money-back oolcy in pace. Please reier o our shioino & reum policy for utheldetails.

Before & After-Sales Service

t’s understandablethatyou may have many questions as a new dol owmer. Dont wom, our proiesional customerseice team is here to help you24 hours a day,both berfore and aferthesale. We are always open to ideas and suggestions from our customers and hope to grow with you.

Before purchasing a sex do, we strongy recommend tat you conact our expenienced shopping consutant. They can provide you wih proiesional advice and explain the precauions forpurchasinawadous dals using photos and tex. You can chat wih ouronne cusiomer sence team ormessaeus through WhatsApp(+852 9403 5660 or emal(Info@asexappeal.comlOur sex doll consultants are here to help you find the perfect doll. 

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